The 'Widow's Mite'




An overview by Dr. Jim Fleming


Mk 12:41-44 – “He sat down opposite the treasury, and watched the crowd putting money into the treasury.  Many rich people put in large sums. A poor widow came and cast in two  small bronze coins, which are worth a penny. Then he called his disciples and said to them, ‘This poor widow has put in more than all those who are contributing to the treasury.  For all of them have contributed out of their abundance, but she out of her poverty has put in everything she had, all she had to live on.’”


In Mk 12:42 Jesus observed a poor widow casting two bronze coins (Greek “leptons”) into the treasury,

“which make a farthing” (KJV), or “which make a penny” (RSV).  Because these were the smallest bronze coins, translations used the names of their period’s contemporary small coins (e.g. “mite”).  Though often translated “copper,” tin was normally added for strength, so we chose the word “bronze.”  These coins were too small to be cast in a mold or have legible inscriptions.  Reverse images were made on a hammer and quickly struck onto ½ inch diameter bronze slugs, one side at a time.  One side was generally decorated with a small dot with rays surrounding it, and the reverse was usually an anchor.

As one can see here, often the (Coin diagram) target was hit off-center, as indicated in these two diagrams.




We are fortunate to live during a time of biblical scholarship when we can picture the specific setting for this brief text about the widow’s gift.  The Gospels tell us that Jesus was sitting in the “Treasury” where he perhaps enjoyed looking at the faces of people making donations to the work of the Temple.

Like the prophets of old, Jesus believed gifts should be given out of gratitude towards God for whatever we have…no matter how small.  Seeing joy in her face, maybe in contrast to stern duty in others, Jesus commented to his followers that she had actually donated more than everyone else that day!

Picture the treasury area as a large courtyard known as the Court of Women.  An ancient Jewish source (Middoth) mentions that the treasury of the Temple featured a large semi-circular stairway leading up to the Court of the Priests.  This stairway was fifteen rows high and also served as a place for Levitical choirs to sing as well as a seating area.  In front of these seats there were seven “trumpet-shaped” offering receptacles (like funnels) atop donation boxes.


Even during a crowded time, multiple people would be able to “cast” (as in our text) their coins into them simultaneously.  Jesus wanted his disciples to learn that the small value of the widow’s coins could result in a large gift to God.